Android Wear Check Your Connection and Try Again

With Vesture OS by Google, a scout can communicate with a network direct, without admission to an Android or iOS phone. Yous shouldn't use the Data Layer API for connecting to a network.

Network admission

Wear Bone apps can make network requests. When a sentinel has a Bluetooth connection to a phone, the watch's network traffic generally is proxied through the phone.

When a phone is unavailable, Wi-Fi and cellular networks are used, depending on the watch hardware. The Wear OS platform handles transitions between networks.

Y'all tin use protocols such every bit HTTP, TCP, and UDP. However, the android.webkit APIs (including the CookieManager class) are not available. You can use cookies by reading and writing headers on requests and responses.

We also recommend using the WorkManager API for asynchronous requests, including polling at regular intervals.

If you need to connect to specific network types, run across Read network state.

Loftier-bandwidth network access

The Wear OS platform manages network connectivity with the goal of providing the all-time overall user experience. The platform chooses the default active network by balancing two factors:

  • The demand for long battery life.
  • The need for network bandwidth.

When bombardment preservation is prioritized, the agile network may have insufficient bandwidth to practise network tasks that crave high bandwidth, such as transporting large files or streaming media.

This department provides guidance on using the ConnectivityManager class to ensure that needed network bandwidth is available for your app. For full general information nearly fine-grained control over network resource, see Manage network usage.

Requesting Wi-Fi connectivity

For utilize cases that require high-bandwidth network access, such every bit transporting large files or streaming media, request connectivity with a high-bandwidth transport, such as Wi-Fi.


val callback = object : ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {     override fun onAvailable(network: Network) {         super.onAvailable(network)         // The Wi-Fi network has been caused, demark it to utilise this network by default         connectivityManager.bindProcessToNetwork(network)     }      override fun onLost(network: Network) {         super.onLost(network)         // The Wi-Fi network has been disconnected     } } connectivityManager.requestNetwork(     NetworkRequest.Builder().addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI).build(),     callback )            


ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback callback = new ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {     public void onAvailable(Network network) {         super.onAvailable(network);         // The Wi-Fi network has been acquired, bind it to use this network by default         connectivityManager.bindProcessToNetwork(network);     }      public void onLost(Network network) {         super.onLost(network);         // The Wi-Fi network has been disconnected     } }; connectivityManager.requestNetwork(         new NetworkRequest.Builder().addTransportType(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI).build(),         callback );            

Acquiring a network may non exist instantaneous because a watch's Wi-Fi or cellular radio may exist off to preserve battery. Additionally, if a watch cannot connect to a network, the onAvailable() method of your NetworkCallback case is non called.

Once onAvailable() is called, the device will endeavor to remain connected to the Wi-Fi network until the NetworkCallback is released. Release the callback when you no longer need a Wi-Fi network to preserve battery life.


connectivityManager.bindProcessToNetwork(null) connectivityManager.unregisterNetworkCallback(callback)            


connectivityManager.bindProcessToNetwork(null); connectivityManager.unregisterNetworkCallback(callback);            

Launch the Wi-Fi settings activity

When requesting a Wi-Fi network, the organization tries to connect to a saved network if a saved network is configured and in range. However, if no saved Wi-Fi network is available, the onAvailable() callback method of your NetworkCallback instance isn't called.

If yous are using a Handler to time-out the network asking, you tin direct the user to add a Wi-Fi network when the timeout has occurred. Send the user directly to the activity for adding a Wi-Fi network using the following intent:




context.startActivity(new Intent(""));            

To launch the settings action, your app must take the post-obit permission: android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE

User interface considerations

If your app requires a connexion to a new Wi-Fi network for a high-bandwidth performance, ensure that the reason for connecting is clear to the user before you launch the Wi-Fi settings. Merely request that a user add a new Wi-Fi network when the loftier-bandwidth network is required. Practice not cake a user from accessing app features that do not crave a high-bandwidth network.

Figure 1 shows a music app. The app should allow a user to browse music and should merely crave the user to add a new Wi-Fi network if they desire to download or stream music.

Music downloading

Figure one. A music app flow for downloading music.

Deject messaging

For sending notifications, apps can directly use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).

No APIs for network access or FCM are specific to Wear OS. Refer to the existing documentation about connecting to a network and cloud messaging.

FCM works well with Doze and is the recommended mode to ship notifications to a picket.

Provide for messages from FCM by collecting a registration token for a device when your Wear OS app runs. Then include the token as part of the destination when your server sends letters to the FCM REST endpoint. FCM sends messages to the device identified by the token.

An FCM bulletin is in JSON format and can include one or both of the following payloads:

  • Notification payload. When a notification payload is received by a watch, the data is displayed to a user direct in the notification stream. When the user taps the notification, your app is launched.
  • Data payload. The payload has a set of custom key/value pairs. The payload and is delivered every bit data to your Wear Bone app.

For more than information and examples of payloads, see About FCM messages.

By default, notifications are bridged (shared) from a phone app to a lookout man. If yous have a standalone Wear OS app and a corresponding phone app, duplicate notifications can occur. For instance, the same notification from FCM, received by both a phone and a watch, could be displayed by both devices independently. You can foreclose this by using bridging APIs.

Use background services

To ensure that background tasks are correctly executed, they must account for Doze and App Standby.

When a screen turns off or enters ambient mode for a long enough time, a subset of Doze can occur and groundwork tasks may be deferred for certain periods. Later, when a device is stationary for an extended time, regular Doze occurs. You should schedule requests with the WorkManager API, which enables your app to annals for Doze-rubber code execution.

Schedule with constraints

You lot can use constraints to configure requests in a way that preserves bombardment life. Select one or more of the following constraints to include in your requests:

  • Schedule a request that requires networking. Specify if the NetworkType is Connected or UNMETERED. UNMETERED is for large data transfers while CONNECTED is for small transfers.
  • Schedule a request while charging.
  • Schedule a request while the device is idle. This is useful for lower-priority background work or synchronization, especially when the device is charging.

Notation that some low-bandwidth networks, such as Bluetooth LE, are considered metered.

For more information, review the WorkManager'southward Effect of constraints on periodic piece of work guide.


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