Do Alligators Eat Turtles Do Alligators Carry Their Babies


Siamese Crocodiles as parents:In May of 2000 the St. Augustine Alligator Farm decided to do things a lilliputian differently.  Typically, when the alligators or crocodiles lay eggs the keepers collect the eggs and put them in an incubator.  In that location are several reasons for this.  The success rate of artificially incubated eggs is usually higher, the sexual practice of the animals can exist controlled by the temperature at which they are incubated, and it keeps the larger animals in the enclosure from eating the hatchlings.  Though mother alligators are usually very good parents, some literature implies that male person American Alligators tend to be unconcerned with their offspring, or worse yet, accept been known to eat the hatchlings.  Because of multiple paternity, information technology is possible the males don't even know which hatchlings are theirs.  It is also possible, that observations take been misinterpreted.  Neill points out, in his 1971 volume, that except in very controlled circumstances, it is hard to say with any accuracy whether an alligator is male or female simply by looking at it, much less know if it was, in fact, the parent of the alligator existence eaten.

While Neill is not willing to authenticate observations of developed alligators cannibalizing their own young, he is quick to condone whatsoever possibility of crocodilians playing a pregnant role as attentive parents.  However, the following ii accounts might have changed even Neill'due south mind.

On May 21, 2000 our female person Siamese crocodile built a beautiful nest correct in front end of her showroom.  We decided to leave the nest alone for all of the visitors to see.  We had no idea what would happen.  There were any number of things that could have gone wrong.  The nest could have been besides dry, burn down ants could take claimed the eggs, or the male could have eaten all of the immature as they came out of the nest.  We just had to await patiently.  It turns out the nest was congenital over a sprinkler head which kept the inside of the nest quite moist.  Ants were seen several times at the nest, but were controlled.  And when it came time to prove the male's intentions, he performed admirably.

We are unsure exactly when the female really laid the eggs in the nest mound.  I week after the mound was built, we gently opened the elevation of the nest and removed the top 3 eggs.  They were nicely banded and we put them in our incubator, just to brand sure some of the clutch would survive.

At 7:30 am, on Baronial thirteen, 2000, nearly 7 weeks later, the female was seen lying on the nest mound with her caput cocked sideways appearing as though she were listening to the nest.  Past 8:thirty am eight hatchlings were out of the nest and eggshells were noticed floating, or laying on the bottom of the pool.  As nosotros watched, the female slowly used her front end legs to pull dirt away from the superlative of the nest.  When she uncovered a hatchling, she gently picked it up in her oral fissure and carried it to the water.  If she uncovered an egg that was not yet hatched, she gently bankrupt the egg with her mouth, scooped up the baby and once again carried it to the water.  Sometimes the hatchlings were still attached to the egg past their yolk and both baby and egg would be carried to the water.  One little guy had quite a struggle as the egg he was attached to started to make full with water and began to drag him nether.  He was pulled partially under water before he managed to wiggle his way free.

By 12:30 pm the female got out of the pool and started to bask.  There were seventeen hatchlings all huddled together at the border of the pool, and it was assumed that this would be all that would hatch.  But, at 2:45 pm the female returned to the nest and removed four more hatchlings.

The adult male person stayed in the h2o during this entire procedure, and was quite curious as the female brought the babies to the puddle.  He swam over to almost every new release and watched as things went on.  He never made an aggressive move toward any of the hatchlings.

On several occasions the female brought whole, unopened eggs to the h2o and released them.  The eggs floated, and she left them, with no apparent interest in their future.  The adult male person bumped into 1 of these eggs equally he was patrolling the pool.  He gently picked it up in his mouth.  At showtime, it looked equally though he swallowed it, but he rolled it effectually on his natural language for well-nigh a infinitesimal, and so gently broke information technology open.  He then rinsed the beat out out of his mouth, but the egg was empty.  There is no manner of knowing fur sure, only it appeared that he was trying to open up the egg and release a babe, merely every bit the female had done.  Later opening the first egg, he seemed to patrol the pool more diligently, even diving to the lesser of the pool and gently breaking open up what was left of hatched eggs.  The male never went to the nest to call back eggs or young, but did open up several of these infertile eggs.  His basking site is almost the nest mound, and twice during the mean solar day he crawled out and baked virtually the nest.

One week after hatching, the infant crocodiles started chasing and eating crickets and mealworms that were tossed into the exhibit.  They are fed worms, crickets, and gator chow every two or three days.  On August 25, 2000, twelve days later hatching, many of the babies were seen basking on the back of the parent crocodiles.  This has been a mutual sight on warm afternoons e'er since.  When in the h2o, babies tend to congregate around the parents' heads, some fifty-fifty resting on the adults' heads as if they were a floating isle.

The goal of leaving the nest alone was to allow our visitors to exist able to encounter the nest, the hatching, and at present a family unit of crocodilians on display.  It has been a not bad success.  Visitors who take the time to look carefully can see many of the baby crocodiles usually, lined up at the edge of the pool.  This is non the offset time that the St. Augustine Alligator Farm has hatched Siamese Crocodiles, but information technology is the first time that we have immune the parents to do all of the work.  The iii eggs that we put in the incubator from the nest hatched three days after the eggs in the showroom hatched.  We take since introduced these three babies back to the exhibit and they have been accustomed into the family unit.

As long as we had this unique setup, we decided to try a couple of experiments.  First, three yearling crocodiles were added to the exhibit to see how the parents reacted.  These yearling crocodiles were offspring from the adults, but had never seen their parents, as they were artificially incubated and raised separate from the adults.  The adults accepted these juveniles in the exhibit as well, and all are living comfortably together.

Secondly, nosotros introduced a couple of hatchling American alligators.  This introduction was very interesting as well.  The alligators did not seem to mind being with the crocodiles their own size, but were intimidated by the adults.  While the juvenile Siamese crocodiles would congregate around the adults (even the yearlings), the juvenile alligators would swim abroad from them.  Early on, in that location were several occasions that the alligators were seen around the developed crocodiles, simply the alligators seemed shocked when the adults moved, and they swam away quickly.  This test was performed to encounter if the parent crocodiles could distinguish between hatchling species.  It is generally accepted that some crocodilian species will guard their offspring in nurseries.  In other words, ane female may baby-sit offspring from several females in the area.  One of the hatchling alligators did not survive in the exhibit.  Information technology appeared to have been accidentally crushed by a basking developed.  Still, one American alligator now seems to exist just as comfy as the young crocodiles and can still be seen, more than tow years later, swimming, feeding and basking with its surrogate family unit.

Picket video of mother crocodile helping immature out of the egg


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